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Welcome on my Great Divide 2024 project

This is my repository to log all my learnings, preparation and blogs in support of my endeavour : cross the USA by riding the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route.

Kudos to

The story that made it possible

It all started in 2023 when a German podcast showcased a book about the "Great Divide". I had bought a gravel 6 month before and thought by myself : I'd love to undertake such an adventure (bucket list type of idea). In fact, I started planning ahead that if nothing would prevent it, I would actually do it. And here I am now!

One year later, many things happened and made it actually possible. Including taking a sabbatical, leaving a long time employer and preparing for a new professional/career step, family and supportive friends, physical preparation... long list. But encouraging list.

Why this blog

Originally I did not mean to maintain a blog. But many asked how to follow me. And I also wanted to capture my daily moments, consolidate my experiences, elaborate on inspirations. I alsoi wanted to give back and inspire others.

So I decided to create this dedicated website. And as a promoter of open source, running it on GitHub was a nicer option than resolving to use made-for platforms (Wordpress, PolarStep), as good as they may be. This flexibility also allows me to design it in a way that makes it also useful to myself 😉.